
Time For Presents... part deux

I'm more of a practical guy than a sentimental guy. Therefore, my birthday gifts for Suze will naturally be more practical than sentimental. So, without further ado, Happy 50th!

I'll start with this LCD mirror for Black Beauty. Since Suze has a problem knowing when the police are behind her as she blows through a red light, this should help her keep track of the CHP.

If we think back over the past year, Suze had a number of "accidents" involving tree branches, wayward kitties, and a nasty gash to her forehead. So, in an effort to keep Suze in one piece, it would seem appropriate to get her a pink helmet to protect her from all harm.

Since Suze is having a wee bit of a problem sleeping, the latest in sleep technology courtesy of Sleep Number should do the trick. I guess her sleep number is now 50!

Finally, Suze doesn't like her baseboards. Suze can't figure out how to paint her baseboards. So the final gift is new baseboards. I'm thinking a white picket fence motif will look great.

Happy Birthday Blottie... hope you like the gifts.


just bob said...


Abi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUZANNE!! (I'm late to the party again, sorry!)

You know, we call them skirting boards...

And gashes and pink helmets had me laughing for wrong, horrible reasons. *Blush*

Cece said...

My creativity has escaped me today, after my disasterous morning, but I wanted to stop by and wish Blottie #1 a very happy Birthday.

I promise to call you later, Suze.

Love you, and don't worry about the big 50, because before you know it,you'll be 51.

Suzanne said...

Hello to all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Yes, Cece did have a hellish morning. I just got off the phone with her and I agree!!! Abi, you're never too late. And Bob, you're always #1.

Bob, just so you know, and I know you know ALOT, CHP isn't CHP, it's CHIPS. Why? I have no clue, but that's how they like being addressed.

Now see I'm more sentimental, so I'm carefully trying to figure out where to put my new LCD mirror so as not to hurt Black Beauty or the general public. Or my damn easthetics.

Bob, knock it off. I didn't have that many accidents. Technically they were mishaps and hardly that. But I do think that pink fireman's hat will help me avoid future...well...mishaps.

You won't believe this, but late at night, unable to sleep, I see that ad and think THAT'S THE BED FOR ME!!! Bingo!!! Okay, so who's paying for it?

Bob, one thing about the baseboards. Did you notice the picket fence is placed over a perfectly painted baseboard. Baby, look at me, my problem is my base board and no picket fence is going to hide what I can't. I need a baseboard mechanic.

Bob, I loved the gifts. You are a gem of a guy and I love you very much. But don't touch my damn hair!!!


Leah said...
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Leah said...
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Suzanne said...


Post it. I need to feel good about where I am in my renovation.

Someone deleted! Ha! Finally not me!!! That's just too damn funny!


Megan said...


A nice selection of gifts. Highly appropriate!

kylie said...

well, bob, megan approves of your gift giving and i'm thinking that if you can get the right thing for suzie you can probably get something megan would like too which is a spectacularly good omen for your future :)

of course, get the ring on your finger and your gift choosing ability would probably evaporate :)

oh, right, i'm here for suzies birthday

if i give them the run around thats my gift to you suze, right? :)

hope you had a special day babe

Mr. Shife said...

Sorry I am late to the party, but Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

LOL- brilliant selection of gifts for dear Suze!